089-23543044 vpsyb@outlook.com


Verband psychologischer Berater e.V.

Have we aroused your interest - would you like to register for a specialist training course?

Participation in the training courses offered by VPsyB e.V. brings numerous benefits:

  • Keep your knowledge up to date with the latest psychological research and practice so that you can offer your clients the best possible support.
  • Deepen your specialist knowledge, integrate new approaches and improve the quality of your advice.
  • Contribute to the professionalization of your profession and strengthen your self-confidence as a competent expert.
  • Meet the requirements for your job profile and secure the necessary qualifications and standards.
  • Use the training courses as an opportunity for personal development, self-reflection and strengthening your professional skills.

In addition, you can also demonstrate your extended competence to the outside world with a certificate of participation in paper and electronic form and thus gain a competitive advantage on the market.

Tel: +49 (89) 23543044
E-Mail: vpsyb@outlook.de



Register for a specialist training course - If you need additional information - Please contact us

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