089-23543044 vpsyb@outlook.com

Gender disclaimer

The VpsyB Association for Non Medical Counselors attaches great importance to equality and inclusion. For reasons of better readability and comprehensibility, we sometimes use the masculine form of personal designations on our website and in our documents. These formulations include all genders equally (male, female, diverse).

We would like to expressly point out that this abbreviation is in no way intended to imply or express any disadvantage or discrimination on the basis of gender. All people are equally welcome and respected at VpsyB e.V.

VpsyB Association for non medical counselors

Have we aroused your interest?

Would you like to get to know our association for psychological counselors and find out about our services without any obligation? Arrange a personal consultation now!

We offer contact persons in the association for various topics, both for questions about the association, for psychological counselors / couple counselors / family counselors and, of course, for those seeking advice.
Note: All members of the executive committee of VpsyB e.V. and the named contact persons work on a voluntary basis.

Tel: +49 (89) 23543044
Fax: +49 1805 000862094
E-Mail: vpsyb@outlook.de



Your request - get in touch with us

Please note our privacy policy

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