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Welcome to the Psychological Counseling Education Accreditation System ©

Certification system for training centers

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The Psychological Counseling Education Accreditation System ©

The Association for Psychological Counseling (VpsyB e.V.) is proud to introduce the innovative certification system - the Psychological Counseling Education Accreditation System. This system aims to ensure and improve the quality of training courses in the field of psychological counseling.

Objectives and testing standards of the system

The main objective of the system is to establish high educational standards in order to achieve transparency and excellence in the training landscape of psychological counseling. In doing so, we check whether the training institutes ensure that their students - the future counselors - learn essential knowledge and skills during their training. These include safeguarding client safety, maintaining ethical professional practices and personal ethics, offering professional quality counseling, clearly distinguishing themselves from the healing arts and acquiring solid methodological skills.

A robust, standardized education system

Our accreditation system ensures that all future psychological counselors are trained through a robust and accountable education system. This system has been specifically designed to ensure consistency and quality in training and to provide counselors with the best possible conditions for a successful career.

Commitment to quality and excellence

We are committed to fostering a culture of excellence and professionalism in psychological counseling through the Psychological Counseling Education Accreditation System. Our accredited programs are designed to develop highly skilled, ethical and competent counselors who play an invaluable role in promoting the well-being of their clients.

We invite all training institutes to become certified. If you are planning a training course, look out for our seal of approval, which stands for quality and trust.

Our certification levels:


1st Certified Basic Training Provider ©

Institutes that receive this basic certification have proven that they meet core standards in training and provide a sound basis for prospective psychological counselors.

Sample Institute Basic Certification

2nd Advanced Training Institute ©

This certification is awarded to institutes that offer additional, in-depth courses and modules designed to provide specialized skills and in-depth knowledge.

Sample Institute Advanced certification

3rd Expert Training Academy ©

The highest award in our system. These academies offer a comprehensive and outstanding curriculum designed to train leading experts in psychological counseling.

Sample Institute Expert Certification

The advantages of the certification of training institutes by the VpsyB

Advantages of the certification of training centers

Finding quality education is critical for prospective students and clients alike. However, with so many educational institutions and programs on the market, it is often a challenge to identify those that offer a high standard of training and learning success. This is where training institute certifications come into play. Certification by the Verband psychologischer Berater offers a number of advantages that benefit both educational institutions and learners.

1. quality assurance:

Certification of educational institutions serves as a seal of quality that ensures compliance with certain standards and best practices in education and learning. Through the certification process, educational institutions are encouraged to review their teaching methods, curricula, facilities and resources and ensure that they meet the requirements. This helps to ensure consistent and high-quality education.

2. credibility and trust:

Certification of training institutes can strengthen the confidence of potential trainees and other stakeholders in the quality of education offered. Through certification, institutions signal their commitment to excellence and continuous improvement. This can help to strengthen the reputation and credibility of the institution in the community and in the education market.

3. improved learning experience:

Certified training institutes emphasize the continuous development of their teaching methods and resources to ensure an effective and engaging learning experience. By using proven pedagogical approaches and modern technologies, they can improve the quality of teaching and increase student learning outcomes.

4. recognition:

The recognition of educational qualifications and programs is of great importance. Certification of training institutions can help to strengthen the credibility and acceptance of their qualifications and certificates. For trainees, this can be of crucial importance for their career.

5. competitive advantage:

Certified training institutes can gain a competitive advantage by positioning themselves as leading providers of high-quality education. Certification can help to differentiate the institution from other training providers and increase the interest of people interested in training. In the long term, this can lead to an increase in enrolments and the prestige of the institution.



Overall, certifications of training institutes offer a number of benefits that contribute to quality assurance, enhancing the learning experience, strengthening credibility and competitiveness of the institutions. Through certification, training institutes can demonstrate their commitment to excellence and create added value for their trainees, the establishment of psychological counseling as a profession and society as a whole.

Expiry of the certification of training centers
Procedure for the certification of training centers

Why the Psychological Counseling Education Accreditation System © is important:

In a rapidly evolving world, it is crucial that psychological counseling is based on solid, scientifically sound training. The Psychological Counseling Education Accreditation System ensures that all certified institutes maintain and continuously improve high educational standards.

For training institutes:

If your institute is interested in certification, please contact us for more information and the application procedure.

For prospective psychological counselors:

Are you looking for a certified training center? Contact us to find a suitable institute in your area.

We invite you to learn more about the Psychological Counseling Education Accreditation System and become part of a movement that promotes professionalism and quality in psychological counseling.

Feel free to contact us - Get more information about the certification options

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