089-23543044 vpsyb@outlook.com

Ethics and Honor Committee of VpsyB e.V.

... introduces itself - tasks and procedures

Welcome to the website of the Ethics and Honor Committee of the Association of Psychological Counselors (VPSYB)

Our mission is to promote and uphold the highest ethical standards in non-medical counseling in order to protect both the integrity of our profession and the trust of our clients. The Ethics and Honorary Committee of VpsyB is chaired by Anna Lena Fischer and Thomas Soller and consists of a total of six dedicated members.

The main tasks include the development and updating of ethical guidelines to ensure that they meet current requirements and developments in the field of psychological counseling. We also offer advice and support in resolving ethical issues and dilemmas. We handle complaints and reports of ethical violations to find fair and equitable solutions. Through workshops, seminars and continuing education programs, we promote awareness of ethical issues and the ongoing professional development of our members.

Ethics are the foundation of our profession. An ethical counseling practice ensures that the rights and well-being of our clients are always at the center of our attention. It helps to build a trusting counseling relationship, promotes the growth and well-being of those seeking advice and at the same time protects the integrity of the counseling profession. In the Ethics and Honor Committee of VpsyB , we strive to promote core values such as integrity, confidentiality, respect, justice and responsibility.

The activities of the Ethics and Honor Committee are central to maintaining and promoting the credibility and reputation of the VpsyB Association for Non Medical Counselors and its members. By strictly adhering to and promoting high ethical standards, we not only protect the interests of our clients, but also strengthen the professional and respectful environment within our industry.

We act honestly and with firm moral principles, respect the privacy and protection of our clients' personal information, treat all individuals with dignity and respect their rights and wishes. We are also committed to fair and impartial practices and are aware of our responsibility to clients, the community and the profession.

If you have any questions about our ethical guidelines, need support with an ethical issue or would like to submit a complaint, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Our committee is also the point of contact for clients who do not feel well advised by the psychological counselors at VpsyB .

Yours sincerely,

Your Ethics and Honorary Committee, chaired by Anna Lena Fischer and Thomas Soller

Anna Lena Fischer Lag. Ethics Committee
Thomas Soller Ethics Committee

Ethics and Honor Committee Association for Non Medical Counselors - Duties and Procedures

I. Tasks

1. monitoring of ethical standards:

  • Ensure that all members of the Association for Non Medical Counselors adhere to established ethical guidelines and professional standards.
  • Regularly review and update these guidelines in order to adapt them to current developments.

2. advice and support:

  • Providing advice and support to members who have ethical questions or concerns.
  • Offering training and further education on ethical topics and standards.

3. investigation of complaints:

  • Receiving, reviewing and investigating complaints of ethical misconduct or violations of the Code of Ethics.
  • Conducting investigations in a fair, transparent and confidential manner.

4. implementation of disciplinary measures:

  • Recommend appropriate disciplinary measures for members who have violated the ethical guidelines and codes of honor.
  • Implementation of these measures after examination and confirmation by the Court of Honor.

5. audit of the Executive Board and Extended Executive Committee:

  • Monitor and review the ethical integrity and conduct of the Association for Non Medical Counselors Board of Directors and Extended Board of Directors.
  • Ensuring that management positions also meet the highest ethical standards and act transparently.

6. promotion of professional integrity:

  • Promoting a high level of professional integrity and a sense of responsibility among members.
  • Publication of guidelines and best practices to support compliance with ethical standards.

II Procedure

1. submission of complaints:

  • Complaints about possible misconduct should be submitted in writing to the Ethics and Honor Committee.
  • Anonymous complaints will be investigated unless they do not contain substantiated evidence.

2. preliminary examination:

  • A preliminary review of the complaint will be conducted to determine its validity and the need for a full investigation.
  • The member concerned is informed and given the opportunity to submit a written statement.

3. examination procedure:

  • An investigation group is formed to thoroughly investigate the complaint. This group collects evidence, conducts interviews and analyzes the information.
  • The investigation group prepares a report with its recommendations, which is forwarded to the Ethics and Honor Committee.

4. court of honor:

  • In serious cases, a court of honor is convened. This consists of selected members of the Ethics and Honor Committee and independent experts.
  • The court of honor conducts a formal hearing at which both parties (complainant and accused) can present their points of view.
  • At the end of the hearing, the Court of Honor shall make a decision on any disciplinary measures or sanctions.

5. decision and enforcement:

  • The Court of Honor shall decide on the measures required on the basis of the results of the investigation and the hearing.
  • Possible measures include warnings, training obligations, temporary or permanent suspension of membership and other sanctions.

6. appeal:

  • The accused member has the right to appeal against the decision of the Court of Honor.
  • A separate appeals committee reviews the decision and confirms, amends or revokes it.

III Conclusion and documentation

1. documentation:

  • All steps of the process are carefully documented to ensure complete transparency and traceability.
  • The results and decisions are stored in a central database of the Ethics and Honorary Commission.

2. feedback:

  • The complainant and the member concerned will be informed of the final decision and the resulting measures.
  • An opportunity to provide feedback and improve the process is offered in order to optimize future case processing.

Organizational Rules of the Ethics and Honor Committee of the VpsyB Association for Non Medical Counselors

1. general

1.1 These regulations govern the relationships and powers of the President of VpsyB (hereinafter referred to as the "President"), the Ethics and Honor Committee (hereinafter referred to as the "Committee"), the Executive Board, the Extended Executive Board and the Court of Honor (hereinafter referred to as the "Court of Honor").

2. independence of the Ethics and Honor Committee and the Court of Honor

2.1 The Committee and the Court of Honor are independent bodies within VpsyB.

2.2 The members of the Committee and the Court of Honor are appointed and dismissed in accordance with the provisions of the Articles of Association of VpsyB .

2.3 The Committee and the Court of Honor are only bound by ethical guidelines and legal requirements.

3. powers of the President

3.1 The President represents VpsyB in all public matters and conducts the association's political business.

3.2 The President may make recommendations to the Committee and the Court of Honor, but has no authority over the independent decisions of these bodies.

3.3 The President has the right to participate in the meetings of the Committee and the Court of Honor and to express his opinion, but without the right to vote in the decisions of these bodies.

3.4 The President has the right to receive information about the general activities of the Committee and the Court of Honor, insofar as this does not impair the independence of the bodies.

4. duties and procedures of the Ethics and Honor Committee

4.1 The Committee shall review and evaluate ethical issues, concerns and breaches of professional ethics in the field of non-medical counseling.

4.2 The committee prepares reports and makes recommendations on ethical standards and compliance with them within the association.

4.3 The Committee shall inform the President of its annual activities and special cases, while maintaining confidentiality and independence.

4.4 The Committee has the right to send a representative of the Committee appointed by the heads of the Committee to all certification and accreditation processes.

5. duties and procedures of the Court of Honor

5.1 The Court of Honor deals with breaches of professional ethics and other disciplinary cases within the Association.

5.2 The President attends the meetings of the Court of Honor to express his opinion and contribute to the discussion, but without the right to vote on decisions.

5.3 The Court of Honor prepares reports and makes recommendations based on the investigation and evaluation of the cases submitted.

6. cooperation with the Executive Board and the Extended Executive Committee

6.1 The Executive Board is the governing body of VpsyB and supports the President in managing the association.

6.2 The Treasurer is responsible for the economic management and administration of the Association's financial affairs.

6.3 The Extended Executive Committee consists of the President, the Executive Board and other members who perform specific tasks and responsibilities within the Association.

6.4 Regular meetings between the President, the Executive Board, the Extended Executive Board and the Chairwoman of the Committee shall take place at least once a year in order to strengthen cooperation and communication.

7. conflict resolution

7.1 In the event of disagreements between the President, the Executive Committee, the Extended Executive Committee and the Committee or the Court of Honor, a mediation process shall be initiated to which both sides must agree.

7.2 An independent mediator is selected to resolve the conflict and ensure that the independence of the Committee and the Court of Honor is respected.

8 Entry into force and adjustments

8.1 These regulations came into force on 6.6.2024 by resolution of the Board of Directors of VpsyB .

8.2 Amendments to these regulations require the approval of the Board of Directors of VpsyB and the majority of the members of the Committee and the Court of Honor.
Your concerns will be treated confidentially and we will endeavor to help you promptly. You can reach us via our contact information.




Membership of VpsyB means being part of a community committed to the highest ethical standards. Together, we are committed to ensuring that non-medical mental health counseling remains a safe, respectful and supportive practice that earns the trust of clients. Thank you for your interest in the work of the Ethics and Honors Committee and for your commitment to promoting ethical counseling practice.