Articles of Association
(1) The association bears the name "Verband psychologischer Berater e.V." abbreviated to "VpsyB e.V.".
(2) The association has its registered office in Munich.
(3) The association is registered in the register of associations of the Munich Local Court under the association register number VR 207080.
(4) The Association's financial year is the calendar year.
§2Purpose of the association
(1) The Association is the point of contact and informant for the media and the public in all matters relating to the field of psychological counseling and the activities of its members.
(2) The association sees it as its task to establish the profession of psychological counselor as a non-therapeutic intervention measure, which can ultimately also be seen as a preventative measure, in society and to work towards uniform standards in the practice of the profession and the training of psychological counselors. The association is also committed to quality assurance and transparency for those seeking advice.
(1) Any natural person who can demonstrate training as a psychological counselor on the basis of a professional qualification or who is in training as a psychological counselor can become a full member.
(2) Natural persons and legal entities may become extraordinary members. Associate members have no voting rights in the General Assembly.
(3) The prerequisite for acquiring membership is a written application for admission addressed to the Executive Board. The Board of Directors shall decide on admission.
§4Termination of membership
(1) Membership ends:
(a) by resignation, which must be declared in writing with three months' notice to the end of the contract;
(b) if a member is in arrears with an annual membership fee despite two reminders and the setting of a deadline;
(c) by exclusion, which is effected by resolution of the Board of Directors.
A member may be expelled for failure to fulfill the obligations arising from the Articles of Association and for conduct contrary to the tasks of the Association.
The obligation to pay the current annual membership fee is not affected by the exclusion.
§5Membership fees
Members pay a membership fee for a period of 12 months. The membership fees are regulated in a membership fee schedule, which is decided by the Board of Directors.
§6Organs of the association
The bodies of the association are
- the Management Board,
- the extended Executive Committee,
- the General Meeting.
§7Management Board
(1) The Executive Board of the Association consists of the Chairman, two Deputy Chairmen and the Treasurer. Two members of the Executive Board jointly represent the association in and out of court in accordance with § 26 BGB.
(2) The members of the Executive Board are elected by the General Meeting for a term of five years; they may be re-elected.
Each member of the Board of Directors remains in office until a new election is held. If a member of the Board of Directors resigns during their term of office, the Board of Directors may appoint a replacement member for the period until the term of office expires. A member of the Executive Board can only be dismissed for good cause.
(3) The Board of Directors is responsible for the management of the association and the day-to-day business. It shall take all measures necessary to achieve the objectives of the Association and implement the resolutions of the General Meeting. It shall inform the members of its activities. The Board of Directors may adopt rules of procedure in which the areas of responsibility of the individual members of the Board of Directors are regulated
(4) Members of the Management Board may receive remuneration for time and work expended. The full Board of Directors shall decide on the granting and amount of remuneration.
§8Extended Presidium
(1) The Extended Executive Committee supports the full Executive Board in its activities. The full Executive Board may delegate certain tasks to members of the extended Executive Committee.
(2) The full Executive Board may unanimously appoint or dismiss individual members of the Association to the extended Executive Committee at any time. The term of office of the extended Executive Committee shall be based on the term of office of the Executive Board.
(3) Members of the Extended Executive Committee may receive remuneration for time and work spent. The full Board of Directors shall decide on the granting and amount of remuneration.
§9General Meeting
(1) An ordinary general meeting shall be convened once a year. The invitation shall be sent in writing or by e-mail by the Executive Board. The notice period for the invitation is two weeks. The agenda must include the following items:
(a) Annual report of the Executive Board
(b) Discharge of the Executive Board
(2) The General Meeting shall be chaired by the Chairman or, in his absence, by one of the Deputy Chairmen.
(3) Each General Meeting shall constitute a quorum regardless of the number of members present. Elections and resolutions are passed by a simple majority of the votes cast. Amendments to the Articles of Association require a majority of ¾ of the votes cast to be valid.
(4) Minutes shall be taken of the resolutions of the General Meeting, which shall be signed by the chairman of the meeting and the keeper of the minutes.
(5) An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be convened if at least 25% of the members so request, stating the purpose and reasons.
§10Amendment of the Articles of Association by the Executive Board
The Management Board may adopt amendments to the Articles of Association that are requested by the registration court.
The association can only be dissolved by ¾ of the votes cast at a general meeting. If the association is dissolved, its assets must be transferred to a charitable institution